1. In a democracy, sovereign authority is
by the
A. people
B. executive
C. electorate
D. legislature.
2. The agent through which the state undertakes
political socialization is the
A. school
B. family
C. peer group
D. pressure group
3. Unicameral legislature is a common feature of
A. presidentialism
B. parliamentarism
C. unitarism
D. federalism
4. Independence of the judiciary is pertinent
because it accords the judiciary the power to
A. determine a fixed term of office for the judges
B. dismiss any judge who has breached the
code of conduct
C. enables the judge to try and decide cases
D. determines a fixed salary for judges.
5. In a unitary system of government, power is
concentrated at the centre
A. without devolution
B. with devolution
C. with residual functions
D. without residual functions
6. In a confederation, the constituency that a
member of legislature represents is a
A. senatorial district
B. parliamentary constituency
C. nation-state
D. region
7. In a constitutional monarchy, the authority to
remove the he a d of state is exercised by the
A. legislature
B. head of government
C. cabinet
D. prime minister
8. In a parliamentary system of government, a
of no confidence leads to the resignation of
A. the entire cabinet
B. an individual minister
C. the entire parliament
D. the prime minister
9. In a presidential system of government, the
president checks the legislature through
A. executive order
B. executive review
C. exercise of power
D. legislative order
10. The economic basis of feudalism is
A. capital
B. agriculture
C. slavery
D. trade.
11. The creation of a classless society is the
ultimate aim of
A. communism
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. fascism
12. One of the sources of a constitution is
A. constitutional law
B. common law
C. corporate law
D. statutory law
13. The fundamental assumption on which the
of the rule of law is based is
A. rationality of human beings
B. equality of human beings
C. love for social justice
D. supremacy of the constitution
14. The principle of separation of power was
popular by
A. John Locke
B. Baron de Montesquieu
C. Thomas Hobbes
D. Niccolo Machiavelli
15. Delegated legislation refers to the laws made
A. the legislature
B. military governments
C. civilian governments
D. non-legislative bodies
16. Law made by state governments are known
A. edicts
B. acts
C. decrees
D. bye-laws
17. The law of libel limits a citizen’s right
freedom of
A. association
B. movement
C. worship
D. expression
18. The first franchise in the history of the
democratic process is
A. female franchise
B. male franchise
C. universal franchise
D. property franchise
19. An interest group that admits members and
conducts its affairs according to stated rules is
described as
A. institutional
B. organizational
C. associational
D. non-associational
20. A major influence on the formulation of public
opinion is
A. public journals
B. peer groups
C. the family
D. the mass media
21. The highes grade in the civil service is known
as the
A. technical cadre
B. administrative cadre
C. executive cadre
D. clerical cadre
22. The pre-colonial Yoruba political system as a
whole can best be described as a
A. confederation of monarchies and chiefdoms
B. federation of chiefdoms and localities
C. highly contralized kingdom
D. confederation of chiefdoms and localities
23. The major motivation of British colonization of
Nigeria was to
A. spread religion
B. satisfy British economic interests
C. westernize Nigerians
D. protect Nigeria from external attack
24. The Native Authority system was most
and successful in
A. Western Nigeria
B. Mid-Western Nigeria
C. Northern Nigeria
D. Eastren Nigeria.
25. The process of nationalism was accelerated
A. rapid economic development
B. the coming of Christian missionaries
C. the signing of the Atlantic Charter
D. improvement in warfare tactics
26. A common feature of the earlier political
in Nigeria was that they
A. started as socio-cultural organizations
B. were formed by the government
C. were non-elitist in nature
D. were backed by the colonialists.
27. Under the 1999 Constitution, the power to
declare war is vested in the
A. legislature
B. executive
C. National Council of States
D. National Security Council
28. A distinguishing feature of the 1979
was the
A. departure from the parliamentary to the
presidential system
B. preservation and entrenchment of
C. introduction of unicameralism into Nigeria
D. introduction of a federal structure.
29. The two chambers of elected national
representative in Nigeria are called
A. the parliament
B. the senate
C. House of Assembly
D. the National Assembly
30. Judicial administration in respect of national
code of conduct lies with the
A. Judicial Service Commission
. Code of Conduct Tribunal
C. Public Complaints Commission
D. Code of Conduct Bureaus
*is your man ENGR NASER DAHER


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