*INTRODUCTION;-*Writing is widely regarded as the hardest part of learning any language. In fact, writing in your native tongue is challenging enough so the struggle is exemplified when writing in English. Add the pressure of the exam environment and an English writing exam can feel like an impossible task.
Here at ESB we understand that writing in English is a difficult skill to master but the good news is that we have five top tips to help you improve your writing and prepare for your exam.

*1) Practice, practice, practice*
Our first tip may sound obvious but ultimately it is the most effective: practice tasks from the writing exam again and again.
Make the most of the assignments that your teacher sets you in class and listen to the feedback they give you. Work out which task you are best at and perfect this, whilst working on the tasks you find more difficult.
Don’t forget, you can also practice your skills outside of the classroom. You could pen a letter to your mum, compose a story for a friend or write an essay for your blog.

*2) Reading will help your writing*

Reading will improve your English in all areas. Believe us, the more you read, the better you will write. Not only will your comprehension progress but you will widen your vocabulary and improve your spelling and grammar.
This tip is useful and it can even be fun. Try and read one of your favourite books in English or buy some English magazines. You could even turn your Facebook language to English to give yourself a daily challenge. There are so many ways to read more English, just do it as often as you can!

*3) Read the question*

In the heat of the exam room it is easy to make mistakes. Our third tip is to take a deep breath and read the title of the writing task very carefully.
Consider exactly what you are being asked to do. It is also a good idea to write a plan before you begin to answer the question.

*4) Observe the word count*

Arguable this is the easiest tip to follow but many people fail to do it. Always make sure that you produce the correct number of words. You will lose precious marks if you do not write enough.

*5) Review your work*

When you have finished writing your piece it is easy to throw down your pen in relief and close the paper, but don’t! When you get to the end of your exam always check your work for fluency and eliminate any silly mistakes.


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