Ration is the amount of feeds given to farm animal within 24hrs which comprises a careful combination of carbohydrate, prtein , fat and oil , vitamin and mineral

Here the to be formed is either to be feed for increase in size, so therefore it influence the formation of feed for the animal

Age of animals influence feed Formation such that the feed to be produced depend on the age of the animal e.g a male or young chicken cannot be given a finished mash.

Feeds are also produced base on the purpose at which the farmer is rearing the animals example ( a chicken that is to be raised for the purpose of having eggs will be given a particular type of feed meet for having of egg.

Scarcity of ingredients in a particular area also cause inability feed that needs that ingredients






-For food purposes
-To generate income
-To make research
-To produce offspring


Service day = 12 may, 2016
The gestation period = 31 days
Therefore, the kindling date will be 12th june, 2016.

(i) Treat affected ear with appropriate drug
(ii) Isolate affected animal
(iii) Use of miticides
(iv) Invite a veterinary doctor

-Endoparasites: worm, liverfluke
-Ectoparasites: Lice, Mite, Fleas, Tick


(I)cervical air sac
(ii)clavicular air sac

(i) Rectum:
- it is the last stop before the faces
- it is eliminated through the anal canal

(ii) Bladder:
- it functions as body urine

(iii) Scrotum:
- it contains the testicles called (tester)

(iv) Ampulla:
- it contains the cupula, aclustter of sensitive hairs embedded in the jelly like mound.

(i) Cervical air sec:
- the  extension of lungs in birds

(ii) Claviculae air sac:
- it permit a un individual flow of air

(iii) Sinus:
- lighter of the sull or improve voice

(iv) Tractiea:
- an integer part which air away hen

During mastication or chewing of cassava in the mouth of a pig. The salivary gland of the pig produces a digestive enzyme called ptyalin which act on the cassava thereby converting the cassava starch to maltose. The salver also helps for the lubrication of the food curd(cassava tuber).

(i) Comb
(ii) Eyes
(iii) hock joint
(iv) foot
(v) abdomen

(i) New castle disease
(ii) Infections bronchitis
(iii) Avian pox

(i) Loss of Appetite
(ii) Excessive Thirst
(iii) Weight Loss
(iv) Slobbering
(v) Vomiting

Drenching is the administering of drug to an animal by mouth mouth into the stomach, usually by force, to rid them of helminths parasites, such as roundworm, flukes and tapeworm.

Dipping is is an efficient method of delivering pesticide or other liquid treatments to a large herd to protect sheep from infestation against external parasites such as itch mite, blow-fly, ticks and lice.

(i) Respiratory system
(ii) Digestive system
(iii) Reproductory system

(i) Four chambered stomach
(ii) Presence of false stomach
(iii) Absence of gizzard
(iv) Absence of crop
(v) Absence of proventriculus

(i) It doesn't have four chambered stomach
(ii) Presence of gizzard
(iv) Presence of crop
(v) Presence of proventriculus

(i) Rumination is the process by which the ruminant animals regurgitates previously consumed feed and masticates it a second time.

(ii) Coprophagy is the consumption of faeces. In some animal species it is seen as a normal behavior, like rabbitsDoing that allow tough plant materials to be digested more efficiently by passing twice through the digestive tract.

(5ci) Creep feeding:
It increase weaning weights in cattle and lambs, compensation for low milk production, and a smoother transition to feedlot rations.

(5cii) Steaming Up:
It promote maximum milk production from the very beginning of the lactation.

(5ciii) Flushing:
It increase the rate of ovulation, hence, lambing rate.

(i) Increased diversity of plant and animal species.
(ii) Control of invasive plant species, such as yellow starthistle.
(iii) Habitat restoration for threatened and endangered species.
(iv) Controlling erosion from water runoff for improved water quality.

(i) Manuring
(ii) Avoiding of overgrazing
(iii) Irrigation
(iv) Replanting

(i) Producers
(ii) Retailers
(iii) Wholesalers
(iv) Private middlemen
(v) Commodity board.

Pasteurization is the process by which milk is heated to destroy all micro organisms present without seriously affecting the composition of the products.

(i) Helps to preserve the milk for a long time.
(ii) Sterilize tye milk by killing micro organisms in the milk.

(I) butter.
(ii) ice cream.
(iii) skin-milk.

(ï) Diseases that affect cows causes reduction in milk production
(ii) Malnutrition
(iii) Temperature

To weaken the animal, as to avoid struggling when slaughtering.

(i) Starving the animal.
(ii) Inspection of the animal.


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