Expo Room: useful advice for 2018jamb aspirant FROM EXPOROOM VIP

Useful Advise For Every 2018 Jambite
Let us face the truth for a minute; shall we? It is every student’s dream to attend a tertiary institution. But then going to the university can be quite a big challenge; in spite of the excitement. It is probably the first time you are leaving your family behind and going to a really far place. And then there is the possibility of you being disappointed as soon as you finally set foot on your campus. So how can you handle this major development?
First and foremost, you must ensure to choose the school that you really like as well as the course that is after your own heart . This way, you’d be sure that you are after what you want in the first place. Most people who usually find their university experiences unfulfilling are those who ended up with whatever choice was available in terms of school and course. This is therefore the reason why you must work really hard and meet all the requirements to study your desired course and in your desired university.
You will be homesick for the first few weeks of your stay at the university; but you will get through it. I know…many people probably told you how wonderful the university can be, and it is indeed a wonderful experience. The only thing they never told you is that it often can be difficult to adapt in the beginning. You are far away from your family and friends and will have to be responsible for yourself. And then you start wondering what you have put yourself into. It is well because the feeling of homesickness will be over as soon as you start meeting new incredible friends whom you will surely meet. Before long, you’d be laughing at yourself for feeling so homesick in the beginning.
Ensure to attend as many orientation events as you possibly can. It doesn’t matter whether you don’t like the idea of being recognized by everyone as a JAMBITE. The truth is that you are new in the system and there are many things you don’t know. As a result, you must let yourself be put through every bit of orientation you should get. It is only for your benefit. Agreed, those old students will call you funny names like JAMBITO and stuff. But you will definitely ensure the experience nonetheless.
Get yourself involved in your school as early as possible. There is no time to waste; right? Indeed. Now I say get involved, I am talking about getting yourself involved in every aspect of life on campus- academic, politics and social. Get yourself recognized and have your voice heard. Always bear in mind that those students who are influential on campus are young adults like you. They don’t have more than one head and they still attend class every single day. Therefore join the press club, be active in campus politics and most importantly, get your academic grooves on. Yes you can do it!
I wish you all the best in your academic quest. Best!



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