2018 WASSCE VISUAL ART 1) Balance Balance refers to the weight of objects, and their placement in relation to each other. Proportion Proportion is the size of objects in relation to each other, or within a larger whole. This could be natural (e.g. a nose which fits onto a face the way you would expect it), exaggerated (e.g. a nose that is vastly over Emphasis is an extension of these first two principles: it is when contrast, placement, size, color or other features are used to highlight one object, area, or other elements of the artwork Variety is a sense of difference between elements of an artwork – the opposite of unity, or harmony. Variety adds a sense of chaos to a work, and this is often used to highlight certain powerful emotions. Harmony In follow on from variety, harmony is the use of related elements. This might be similar colors, shapes, sizes of objects, etc. This indicates the direction your eye takes as you view the work – in what order does your...