
Showing posts from June, 2017


WAEC ALERT Beware of fraudsters who present themselves as Staff of WAEC and contact candidates promising to give them good results for a fee payable mostly through mobile money. It is a Scam!!!


1a) (2x+1)/(3-4x)=2/3 3(2x+1)=2(3-4x) 6x+3=6-8x 6x+8x=6-3 14x/14=3/14 x=3/14 1b) I = PRT/100, p=N15000 R=10% and I=3years A = P+ I where I = 15000*10*3/100=N4500 A=4500+15000 =N19500 1b) I = PRT/100, p=N15000 R=10% and I=3years A = P+ I where I = 15000*10*3/100=N4500 A=4500+15000 =N19500 =============================== 2a) using sine rule b/sin20 = 6/sin30 bsin30 = 6sin120 b 6sin120/sin30 b = 6×0.2511/0.4540 b = 5.7063/0.4540 b = 12.57 ≠ 12.6cm 2bi) the diagram is euivalent triangles. where |AX|/|BC| = |BY|/|AC| = |XY|/|YC| XY = 9, BY = 7 YC = 18-7=11 9/11 = 7/|AC| 9|AC| = 77 |AC| = 77/9 |AC| = 8cm 2bii) XY/AB = BY/AC 9/|AB| = 7/8.6 |AB| = 9×8.6/7 |AB| = 11cm

History Neco

QUESTION 1. -Social organizations -political organizations -settlement organization -social organizations -Religion organization -Economic development 1b. -system of govnmt was monarchical -The king was semi devine -He serves as an intermediaries btn de ancestors nd de Gods -King of west African Sudanese states headed central government made up of ministries -Ministers of states were paid for their services -Subjects regarded their kings as source of life,death,adversity nd prosperity QUESTION 2. -THE knowledge of iron technology -The leadership of powerful members -Able leaders -The role of sacred symbols -De role of traditional comodities  # exam  guruz -The introductn of firearms -The atlantic slave trade


M-Adult butterfly N-prawn O-earthworm P-tapeworm 3ii) M-the class to which it belongs is INSECTA 3iii) OBSERVATION Feature of M: i. A pair of clubbed antenae Ii. A head,thorax and abdomen Iii.wings. 3iv) OBSERVABLE feature of N: i.antenea Ii.pincer iii.abdomen Iv.swimmerets V.walking legs *If you want the complete questions and answers send airtime MTN 200for it*

Neco Biology

M-Adult butterfly N-prawn O-earthworm P-tapeworm 3ii) M-the class to which it belongs is INSECTA 3iii) OBSERVATION Feature of M: i)A pair of clubbed antenae ii)A head,thorax and abdomen iii)wings. 3iv) OBSERVABLE feature of N: i)antenea ii)pincer iii)abdomen iv)swimmerets v)walking legs 3v) M- pollination of flowers N-serve as food to man 3bi) OBSERVATION FEATURES OF SPECIMEN P i) scolex ii)Neck iii)proglottis 3bii) Tabulate feature and function *Feature* i)Scolex *Function* Scolex bear hooks and suckers with which the worm clings to the wall of the host's intestine ii) *Feature* Neck *function* Hold and supports the scolex iii) *feature* Proglottis *Function* Bears the testes and ovaries for reproduction [13/06, 07:18] ‪+232 30 313184‬: BIOLOGY PRACTICAL ANSWERS 1ai) A=Toad B=Thoracic Vertebra C=Lumbar vertebra D= Pride of Barbados E=Millipede F=Agama Lizard 1aii) DRAW literal view of Thoracic Vertebra (check image in pdf) 1aiii) B===>located in chest


2ai) G- foot of domestic fowl H-foot of domestic duck ... I-tomatoe fruit J-coconut fruit K-dry bean pod L-combretion fruit 2ii) i-they both have claws ii-they both have three toes in front and one at the back iii-they are both used for walking 2iii) Spc- H is webbed while sec-G is not 2iv) i-for scratching ii-for walking/running i.e locomotion 2v) i-prominent hind limb for running away from treats ii-prominent claws for scratching the ground in search of food 2bi) I- simple sacculent fruit - berry J-simple sacculent fruit - drupe K-simple dry dehicent fruit- legume L-simple dry dehiscent fruit 1ai) A=Toad B=Thoracic Vertebra C=Lumbar vertebra D= Pride of Barbados E=Millipede F=Agama Lizard 1aii) DRAW literal view of Thoracic Vertebra (check image in pdf) 1aiii) B===>located in chest, attached to the ribs C===>located in loin 1aiv) Tabulate SPECIMEN B i)They are 12 in number ii) they are large iii) They are rigid iv)less vulnerabl


A - Frog or toad B - thoracic vertebra C - lumbar vertebra D - flamboyant flower(flame of the forest) or (pride of barbados) ... E - millipede F - agama lizard G - foot of domestic fowl H - foot of domestic duck I - tomato fruit J - coconut fruit (with its husk) K - dry bean pod or barbados pod or flampoyant pod L - comretun pod M - adult butterfly N - prawn O - earthworm P - tapeworm